Thursday, 30 January 2014

Time Art - Motion Graphics

So i asked myself " do you actually know what motion graphics is". I thought i had a rough idea of what it was all about, but soon found that it consists of more than just moving a person or some letters around. It  in fact has many different areas to it which give you the ability to create and manipulate objects. Motion graphics is really any still object that can be moved or create some sort of illusion, which is what I have been set for in a project to create 3 pieces of footage that must be a minute long each all played on 3 separate screens.

I thought this piece by Oskar Fischinger had a good concept and creative out look to it, i Really enjoyed the fact he used shapes to create characters and a form of emotion. The footage almost reminded me of a fire works display and at times the lens of the front of a projector. 

Whilst looking around for different toys of tutorials on youtube for after effects i came across a few videos about human cloning and the amount of creative fun you can have with it. i looked through the different step taken for this process and found that it wasn't to difficult for someone who is fairly new to after effects and could be excited pretty much anyway you felt. Not to sure how i would incorporate this idea using the three separate Scenes but i can pretty much say this idea has got me plotting for a story.   

Another one of Oskar Fischinger work which is slightly similar to his last one, this one i really enjoyed be causes it remind me of the scene in disney's Fantasia when mickey pretends to be the sorcerer. Just the near fact that he only used circles to display a sequence of of movement throughout the story made me realise how something basic can be in a influential way. The name of the footage its self is creative ' An Optical Poem' because we associate the word Optical with areas such as the eye which itself is round. 

Ockar Fischinger concept of motion graphic helped  me look in to a modern form and the different ways people are able to play around with different elements. Which got me looking areas such as Kinetic typography, 3D art, Titles sequences etc, then I saw a motion piece which consisted of just shapes like Oskar's But at the same abled to make them morph into other shapes. 

I have always been interested in the special effects behind the recent feature films that are coming up at the moment along side there creative ideas behind it. As we are currently undergoing an after effects project i really think that this helped me explore new areas and interests. I decided to look into feature films that use visual effects and came across one of my favourite film 'Iron Man' and a documentary about their use of visual effects. I thuruly enjoyed watching it and descovering the different areas and job roles people are responsible for, there was an area in the video where they talked about making the process for the motion graphic inside the HUD of the helmet and making sure the actions it was perfoming was understandable to the audience. When each person was talking about there the types of effects used, I noticed they had a lot of different fields i.e.      
- Compositing director
- Technical Director
- VFX Art Director
- Model supervisor
- HUD design Supervisor
- 3D Artist
- Visual Effects /supervisor


Recently came across the idea of using a coin or possibly a spinning top to represent a moment in time from start to finish. This idea came to me through one of my favourite films inception and the moments in time within each dream and how they are intwined with each other. It got me thinking about the ending of Inception with the spinning top does it continue spinning or topple over. most people would believe that because it started to wobble meaning he had left the dream, but I why could it not be instead that when the item falls he reached the desired dream he wanted. This film when watching it back always makes me question what is time and where does it stand in terms of reality. 

This is also another scene from the film where this person has creatively put together the four different scenes of the dream sequences and managed to play them on four separate screens in real time. 


Thursday, 23 January 2014

Reflection - Memories


Memories are from previous events in our life that we store in sections of the brain long term and short term. I think they are a very important and one of my favourite elements of the human brain and what it can do, when storing and remembering areas in and around your life. Your thoughts and memories I feel give you the ability for a short space of time to escape what we recall to be present time. 

I alway wanted to know if this question was true or false " Do we use 10 percent of our brain" I found an article online that speaks about the human brain and its ability to process and store information, and puts this myth to bed by explaining that yes it true our brain does only use 10%, but just how we don't use all our muscle at once the same principal applies to the brain. 

Benjamin Radford, Life's Little Mysteries Contributor   
The fact is that people use all of their brains. Researchers using brain imaging research techniques, such as positron emission tomography(PET) scans and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), have found that brain scans clearly show that the entire brain is used, according to Barry Beyerstein, a professor of psychology at Simon Fraser University.who has studied the myth for years.
It's true that people don't use all parts of their brain at the same time, just as people don't use all of their body muscles at the same time. But throughout the various activities of an average day, just as all muscles are used, all brain areas are used.

I have always had this dream of being able to store your life memories on a hard-rive and able to watch them back, in my eye your life is a movie and i would never want to get ride of the memories even the difficult one. 

The memories I most cherish are the ones I have had with my family and friends no matter how bad of a day am having all I need to do is think back on all the positive moments i have experienced. 

I have always thought of my memories to be chapters in a book that i would one day tell the world through visual images and videos, but right seem to be creatively trapped inside my head wait branch out. Music is a big part of my life and memories, which gives people the ability to express how they feel on top of performing a story.