Friday 11 April 2014

Experimental Sound Final Product

 Final Sound 
Fallen Angel 

Originally When i first saw this image it made me feel uneased about how i would approach it because I had an impression of what i think i should sound like. I was planning to use types of sounds that made you feel uncomfortable whilst listening to it, but after exploring the artist himself Jean Michel Basquiat and looking into his type of personality he seems from my point of view to be a relaxed calm individual  and so decided to create the piece around his stature and from the point of view as if he was creating the piece. After listening back to it there are a few things that i would of liked to incorporate further just to fill out certain parts to make it stronger as a whole. One area that I think could have been improved was the use of the brush strokes, I could have represented them in a better way to showcase how the wild brush strokes relate to the image itself.

Other areas of the image look like it has been spray painted and in one area of my work I incorporated a small part of it. Now i am wish i did and mix of the two different sounds from the paint brush and the spray can and chop different sections up.

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